Firstly, I want to apologise for my late unproductivity, which includes this weblog as much as other projects (Sonic Galactic, Prower Cloud Nine, my lab upstart, and my business). I have been overseas at last since late October, and more or less the entire time have been sick. A ‘walking pneumonia’ has been sweeping the globe and has such a long incubation period that I may have even caught it before I left America!
A prophet once told me that over the course of this trip, it will be revealed to us what our path to solvency and success will likely be. We have spent the last several years going it independently in America, the last 8 months of which were completely alone with no roommate, no family support and scant friend support for the most incidental issues like car jumping. I was fired from my last two jobs before I resigned to being the household go-between, housekeeper and driver while my husband worked overtime. To make a long story short, there was no clear way out of this besides years of grinding and living on dirt. So we tapped my in-laws, flew to Jakarta, and have slowly but surely found out what our options are shaping up to be.
I have enjoyed a plethora of privileged experiences in my short time here so far. Our family took a respite to Sentosa in mid-November, and my stepfather-in-law invited us to a press conference being hosted at Senayan City about a minister of some kind being prosecuted for blasphemy. At the house party preceding it, I got to meet Bamsoet, a major fixture of Indonesia’s Golkar party, the once-ruling party of Suharto:
Also, Rudy Salim was making the rounds here, but if you know anything about his family, it should come as no surprise that he was the only interesting person here to not shake any of our hands. His thing these days is selling Bentleys and Teslas to other rich people in Indonesia. Generally, it’s harder to say anything about him with regards to us now.
While it is not yet clear exactly what God has fated me to do, it is a lot clearer now that, whatever I may endeavour into, it will involve people like this at some point or another down the road. This is a big slice of a very vast world, and I have the privilege of being able to befriend people such as this. In a country infamous for bribery and corruption, I have a very rare disposition of not being encumbered by such things – bluntly, I don’t pay to play. Very cool and very legal, right?
This is the biggest point of contrast between my work in tech and everyone else in that industry, and it’s a problem of theirs I think is safe to say is reaching its end stages by now. A lot has happened in electoral politics in America in the last six months, and I am very torn about it: on the one hand, I have a newfound solidarity with other fellow normal people regardless of our opinions or even who we voted for, which is refreshing; on the other hand, the people on the extremes have continued to get so much worse. A big locus of this degradation is Elon Musk.
Tech culture has a big problem: they choke on dissent. Now that the months have turned into years, the consequences of this have piled on and made a very uncomfortable reality borderline unavoidable: we’ve run out of people online. You post on social media, and the network is desolate – fewer people read, even fewer interact. This is caused by an intolerance of dissent from two directions. The first is the intrinsic direction, where you yourself cannot put up with people posting some kinds of content or another, and so you mute and/or block them. The second is the extrinsic direction, or the algorithmic direction, where the site itself arbitrarily decides who is naughty or nice, and de-ranks the ‘bad’ people regardless of what their followers actually think of them. All of these functions are self-compounding, and they have gotten to an utterly ridiculous state by now.
Another thing that made in particular quite hostile was the total algorithmic ban on non-election content through the first week of November. No doubt this was to pre-empt any ‘surprise’ discourses from bad actors, but holy shit it made the website completely unusable. Everything being manipulated is a product of being ruled by liars, and while Elon is far from alone in this, he is a really big liar, and everyone knows it. He’s also a bad liar to boot. A humourous glimpse into this is how often he gets publicly mocked on his own site without realising it – or IRL, when he met with the Turkish prime minister and he asked him, the self-described ‘trad’, where his wife was. Uh-oh.
And for the record as well, I don’t think Trump likes Elon at all, even though he claims to be his friend. The simple explanation is that Trump had a genuine heart-to-heart with God after Thomas Crooks almost killed him, and Trump understands that Elon is his ticket to the White House. Once he gets in there I expect him to play Elon off, but who knows, we’ll see. Everything about Elon’s approach is so forced and coercive, but I suppose this is the thing everyone learns about Elon: use him, exploit his weaknesses and win. He’s basically the douchebag of the world right now, and all I can think about in this vein is when he’s going to expire. There’s so many gaping holes in his crackpot narrative about Doge and everything else that you can only miss by being hopelessly addicted to, like he is: BBC has to point out it’s not a real department because those can only be created by Congress, he overstayed his welcome hanging around Trump so much that he’s now Barron’s ‘new best friend’ (he got mocked for this too after bragging about being mentally a teenager), Pee Marca is gloating about getting all of his friends hired in the new admin by insulting the public’s intellect and wiping his ass with the legacy of Thomas Jefferson:
Lots of comments in this dungheap blabbing about how they can’t be bought. Yeah, they can’t be bought, because they are the buyers. Listen, if this shit isn’t believable (it really isn’t), we’re just going to deboost and hellban all of you who have a problem with it. Then it will look really popular! How do you like that?
The privilege of the algorithm is the breezy ignorance of how reviled this shit actually is. There’s no functioning feedback loop with the public on social media anymore: it has finally been devolved into an overglorified television minstrel show, where the public is given the illusion of participation while the owners do whatever they want with impunity because the opinions of the peons don’t matter at all. The danger for them is that they won’t notice when the wheels come off – there is speculation about a market crash since the Fed is out of ammo, but if nothing else there has to be a slow washing away of all this irrelevant garbage these tech guys think matters, because it just doesn’t, and the world is bigger than they care to acknowledge.
This bigger world is what I am plugged into now, as shown above, and I have every intention of using it to work my way into America as I was supposed to be able to do until a bunch of passport-Americans arrived and slowly ruined everything. Speaking of them, I want to explain succinctly the real story of who is behind the enshittification of things in the last 40 years or so, besides the obvious neolibcon boomers: shithole elites.
The failsons and faildaughters among them are quite active on sites like, where you can find them writing vast treatises about geopolitical history, genetics, and other similar topics that nurse their personal wounds about being rejects from crap countries that have nothing to their statehood. Some countries generate more shithole elites than others – generally, it is a function of how fake the country actually, materially is. The more that the nation was or is propped up by arbitrary geopolitics, the more corrupt it naturally is, and the more diaspora it will invariably send over to the Number One Destination For Everyone Who Can Make It: America. Razib Khan is a poster child of this: rich Bengali Muslim family that timed his arrival like so many knowledgeable Chinese immigrants do, having him come over when he was four years old so that his home country’s culture is firmly cemented into his early childhood, without causing him to miss a day of kindergarten in the wealthy and wonderful United States. This is also why you don’t see or hear about as many Indonesians in America – why aren’t they all trying to flee in droves? The country is shit. Corruption is rife. It’s just as bad as any of the other countries emptying out their Universities into the US, so what gives? Ah, it must be more of a real country where people born there can find a way to be content with it. This is the rub about our woes in America: we have an elite rendition of the problem Europe faces with their migrants: we get all of the worst, most criminal-minded elites the world has to offer. In contrast, countries like Indonesia are worthy enough to have their émigrés return bringing great fortune.
These shithole elites should then understand well the weight of my warning to them: I am a bona fide American who is onto your game, and I am being armed by people of a far greater moral constitution than you in an arena that you cannot usurp as you have done in America.
America has this cultural disease of bullying that follows a very predictable progression:
The bullies make fun of you and ridicule you
When that doesn’t work, they shun you and cut you out
When you cannot be excluded, they threaten you and intimidate you
When that fails too, they pretend they never wanted anything out of it in the first place
This is what stops everyone else from having a chance in tech or even in many other industries. This pattern even colours my lawsuit in the private security industry. What are you going to do when this fails in light of my buoyancy from afar? For the lawsuit, what are you going to do when a jury issues judgement? You’re gonna blow your opinions right out your ass, that’s what.
I have been on step two with the tech industry for many years now, as I have yet no coin or media blitz. I look forward to the progression to step three, because it won’t be long at all before it goes to step four, and I can finally rest easy and reiterate all of these things I have been saying for years that fall on deaf ears: all of the corruption and this sick culture of fraud and manipulation is going to stop.
I am tired of cryptocurrency and immensely disappointed in its persistence despite its uselessness for store of value and its sole edge being criminal enterprising.
I am tired of “AI” and am immensely disappointed in people’s susceptibility to these gambits of FOMO that were deployed identically with cryptocurrencies once before already. You should know better by now.
And God willing, if they ever get around to it, I will abhor future scams surrounding “quantum computing” and the ‘qubit’ concept that is as useless as ‘strings’ in M-theory, and I am immensely disappointed that I can even anticipate this and know you all will fall for it again because you can’t bear to confront the fact that you fell for all of these lies.
I want everyone who has been misled, betrayed or ripped off by these criminals to know that it doesn’t matter perceptively. The only loss is whatever time and money you put into it. You really should not ever think about what people think of you because you fell for these things, both because it doesn’t matter and because people don’t think about you anyway. Just being honest. If you could do this, there would be far less resistance to actually shutting these things down so people can give money and attention to products and services of real value, instead of speculating their way to Hell.
Moreover, I will eventually insist that this industry and the field stop living in a theatrical production of their past. Everybody has conveniently forgotten how ubiquitously hated Steve Jobs was right up until he died, and now all of the tech influencers post old VHS rips of his interviews like none of that ever happened. It’s the same story with the occultism of Terry Davis: when this guy was alive he was the biggest punching bag around for every ‘respectable’ asswipe on the Web. He was banned from everywhere and people would go out of their way to ridicule him and get offended about even innocuous posts he wrote, simply because he was a soft target that no one would blame them for bullying. They could always just handwave vaguely about how he posted the N-word one time and no one would care that they were flipping their lids about him even just casually mentioning his thoughts on God in his own threads. Convenient that these guys are dead and we can now safely love their creations without any of the inconvenience of the person who actually made them. This is psychopathic.
You guys need to grow up enough to realise and acknowledge in your hearts that between Jobs and Wozniak, Jobs was the far rarer kind of person, and if it weren’t for him and him alone, Woz would have went to work making calculators and Windows would have never occurred to Bill and we’d be living in a much more impersonal digital world that’s far more captured by centralised institutions than it is today. Isn’t that a terrific thing to miss on the parts of all these self-described “de-fi” crypto retards? It just goes to show their mythos is fake and they don’t think about anything they espouse. This bullshit culture is crowding out anything and everything bona fide and preventing it from taking root. It’s also an instance of ‘mob rule of the stupid’ – these guys don’t like actually smart people because they can hold more useful conversations better and naturally outcompete them. Thereby you find the need to make the scene revolve around house parties and sharing drugs, and for added security, gaslight everyone constantly that rich people are the smartest people in the room to preempt any honest questioning or, God forbid, dissent, that this looks more like a mafia than a Presidential administration. Those admin hires Pee Marca was gloating about are the financiers of this shit, from Miami to Austin City.
Criminals don’t care about legitimacy, they just care about being in charge, whatever the cost. If the public has to be rendered into collateral damage by the forced proliferation of quantum-AI-crypto bullshit so that Pee Marca, Paul Gee and Elmo can have first dibs on everything of note and waltz their way into the White House uninvited, then so be it. “Fuck you, I got mine. You should have tried being smarter, losers.” We’re not tolerating this shit anymore.
I’m here to level this by reminding you all that as powerful as America may be, it isn’t omnipotent, and I have natural advantages in legitimacy in America as a bona fide American that with enough wherewithal I will begin to be able to express. You can’t suppress us forever, and I’m not going to let you all take this country out to the garbage bin so you can host $50,000-per-plate dinners to put stooges like Vivek into the White House. Who the fuck do you think you are?